Track Information

Track: Management and Organisational Issues in Information Systems

Information Systems (IS) play a key role in the emerging era of digital transformations. As a consequence, IS research is more relevant than ever for the development of new business models, redesigned business processes, and innovative digital services. Moreover, introducing Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into enterprises is followed by various socio-technical challenges for managers.
This track welcomes papers utilizing diverse research approaches. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
• Issues relevant to IS development in the context of modern business environments
• The role of information systems in digital ecosystems, inter-organizational scenarios, and the importance of strategic alignment
• The changing nature of information systems and the implications of this for the requisite dynamic socio-technical balancing
• State-of-the art of both the practice and theory of organizational-level systems development
• Emerging technologies and its impact in organizations and society
• IT-management and project management
• IS failure/success
• IS quality
• Regulatory compliance in the IS development lifecycle: design and operation
• Enterprise modeling
• IS Adoption and dissemination
• Multiple dimensions of value in IS
• Fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0)

Track Chair:
Muhammad Kamal, Coventry University, UK, (email: